WishBone [Version 1.5.1]

A simple pirate themed rpg game made with GB Studio version 3
Created by Taiyaki1199.

Hello! Thank you for taking interest in this game! WishBone is my first game, and is very much a tech demo/experimental game. The project was created with GBStudio, a  fan made studio application that renders projects for the gameboy game system, and Pixen, a professional pixel art editor designed for projects that try to achieve a design from old-school video games. Most of the skills I obtained to make this project were learned on YouTube from this playlist.

The game is a very linear story based game driven mostly dialogue and world art. There is not much action, puzzles, or combat but that may change.

Default Controls:

  • Up - Up Arrow / W
  • Down - Down Arrow / S
  • Left - Left Arrow / A
  • Right - Right Arrow / D
  • A - Alt / Z / J
  • B - Ctrl / K / X
  • Start - Enter
  • Select - Shift


1.5.1 (07/28/23)
Added Dialogue to npcs.
- Added actions to camp scenes.
-  Corrected Dialogue for character thoughts to match previously mentioned changes. 

1.4.2 (06/5/22)
- Fixed issue where the book was able to be read.
- Moved location of the players house to give a centered first impression of town.
- Fixed beginning splash screen not displaying with correct delay.

1.4.1 (05/22/22)
- Removed book from the intro, and added it as a menu option.
- Refined text to direct the player to the lighthouse.
- Refined text around removing the book.

1.3.10 (01/19/22)      
- Finished adding avatars to text in chapters 2 and 3.
- Fixed many grammatical issues with in text with in chapters 2 and 3.
- Added more emotions for the players text avatar.
- Added visual icon to ship in a bottle in Rusty's room.
- Shortened a lot of dialogue that was taking up too much space.
- Added previously hidden event where Walter and Eric are talking.
- Changed the fade speed to be faster when beginning chapter 3.
- Fixed collision issue where you meet rusty again in chapter 3.
- Changed Daveys character sprite.

1.3.9 (01/18/22)        
- Created many avatar icons for npcs and text events.
- Added npc icons to text windows in chapter 1.
- Cleaned up many bits of text in chapter 1 and menu screens.
- Added dialogue event to barrels and bed in lighthouse.
- Reversed font change for storybook in the intro scene.

1.3.8 (01/18/22) 
- Changed default text font.
Rewrote much of the intro book text to fix legibility.
- Swapped pictures in story book in pages 1 and 2.
- Added a new page to the book.
- Added Scene to let players select what chapter to start on.
- Added Chapter Select Menu Background
- Changed the end of game loop to start you at chapter select.
- Shortened moms dialogue at beginning of game.
- Shortened Walters dialogue.
- Removed Walter dialogue discussing father in pub to be added back later.
- Added sprites for a new unused sword.

1.3.7 (01/12/22) 

Added a lot of content to beginning of chapter 2.
Added game text to beginning of game "the following game is dialogue heavy"
Fixed many typos in chapter 1 dialogue.
- Added more dialogue to wishing star book.
- Changed all wishing star books from the world except the starting room one.
- Made the starting room book an automatic item pick up after reading it.
- Added clickable dialogue event to a few paitings
- Added animation to toolbox in lighthouse.
- Walter now leaves the pub after you get permission from mom to leave.
- Added new background scene for Cargo Room,Cabin hallway and Rowboat Scenes.
- Added dialogue and npcs to new Cargo, and Cabin Hallway Roomscene.
- Moved players room to new cabin hallway.
- Added smoother slow fade in and out effect to chapter 3 rowboat intro scene.
- Reorganized file names internally, could result in bugs in chapter 2 and 3.

1.3.6 (01/10/22) 

- Added 3 digit combination lock script.
- Added locked door background.
- Added locked door event to lighthouse
- Added locked door event to storage room.
- Cleaned up dialogue for page 5 of book.

1.3.5 01/09/22 
- Added background art for book pages 5 and 6
- Started creating prototype script for number lock event
- Added rolling number sprite
- Patched bug that prevented the player from returning to first room on boat.

1.3.4 01/07/22 
- Begin adding visual art to pages of the wishing star book as an a intro cinematic .
- Added Pages 1,2,3, and 4 to the intro book.
- Replaced all the books in overworked with redirect actions to view the pages again.
- Separated wishing star book text between multiple pages.
- Added more dialogue to wishing star book text.
- Fixed issue where olive was spawning at pub after leaving lighthouse.

1.3.3 01/06/22  
  Created a House in town that lets players select a chapter.
- Added 3 new background scenes to lighthouse area.
- Added new NPC Mr.Seymour to lighthouse.
- Added dialogue for Seymour
- Added dialogue for Mom
- Moved spotting merchant ship event to later in game
- Added fishing rod in place of wishing star book in first room
- Added mini quest for lighthouse repair
- Changed Chapter names.
- Prechapter is now chapter 1, chapter 1 is now 2 ect.

1.3.2 01/05/22 
- Reimagined the driftwood town background image.
- Fixed colors not matching on all objects
- Added new text window frame
- Added many tile fixes including terrain (only updated for town)
- Fixed glitch teleporting you to chapter 2

1.3.1 01/03/22 
- Fixed multiple grammatical typos and errors
- Expanded dialogue for Walter npc.
- Added better transition effect to end of chapter 2
- Added fetch quest for mushroom stew.

1.3.0 01/02/22 
(Chapter 2 is finished)
- Added background art for night version of camp.
- Added campfire scene at the end of chapter 2
- Changed a lot of dialogue for pre chapter.
- Added new npc "Walter" in place of every Anklewood scene.
- Added title screen for chapter 3
- Corrected rusty dialogue introduction.

1.2.9 01/01/22 
- Added mini quest for monkey at camp stealing compass from npc
- Added Dad's Treasure map background art. (unfinished)
- Moved dialogue for mom explaining the map to the map page.
- Added new trigger event boat shake for a second time.
- Moved Captain Anklewoods pub location. 
-  Changed bartender dialog in pub to be more character age fitting. 
- Added a barrel next to npc with nightmare blocking cabin hallway.

1.2.8 12/31/21 
- Pre chapter scenes were updated
- Added mom sprite
- Added dialogue for mom actor.
- Added dialogue for pirate blocking pub.
- Blocked pub with npc until player speaks to wharf crew.
- Added event forcing player to talk to mom before leaving town
- Mom gives player map that adds to backpack.
- Fixed olives spawning location when you leave pub
- Fixed issue where rusty room would lock if you leave the active scene.
- Reorganized inventory menu.
- Added 3x speed to menu curser in backpack.
- Fixed bug that maintained increased menu speed when leaving backpack.
- Fixed bug that prevented player from progressing at the end of chapter 1.

1.2.7 12/29/21 
(chapter 2 is almost finished)
- Redesigned the backpack menu background.
- Reconfigured bag menu to a point and click styled scene.
- Added multiple backpack menu pages to track more, and different items.
- Added new fetch quest for getting firewood.
- Added sprite art for logs.
- Added dialogue to npcs tracking firewood progress
- Changed respawn location. Player will now respawn at shipwreck.
- If player has reached camp, Player will respawn at tent.
- Added a crudely made save table in player tent.
- Added firewood handling script to track your progress.
- If player dies, firewood handling script resets.
- Menu system tracks firewood count progress.
- moved end of game loop to Davey.
- Added one time trigger event sword reminder when you return to the first beach.

1.2.6 12/28/21 
- Added save states (does not work across updates)
- Added background sprite for eerie cave.
- Added background sprite for camp site.
- Added background sprite for inside 5 tents.
- Added animation layer for fireplace.
- Added animation layer for coins.
- Added monkey to camp.
- Added art for mystery stones in eerie cave.
- Improved bag visuals.
- Added npcs all around camp and inside tents.
- Added npc that gives sword.
- Removed accidental choice to leave dog at home.
- Added icons for Compass, Star Fragment, Map, and Shovel.
- Added note in a bottle to the beach area.
- Removed sword from being used immediately.

1.2.5 12/24/21 
- Fixed rusty glasses not staying invisible
- Reanimated player walk and idle animatons
- Fixed walking in place animation glitch for the player when entering a trigger.
- Adjusted olives animations

1.2.4 12/24/21 
- Fixed sprite sheet for a pirate npcs. 
- Fixed collision for barrel outside of rusty room
- Added Glasses sprite to rusty room
- Added Sleeping player sprite
- Added more dialogue to beginning of chapter 2
- Added message in a bottle to beach of chapter 2
- Added loop to cave that restarts the game
- Removed debug crab
- Added (item was picked up) dialogue to every event that gives items.

1.2.3 12/24/21 
- Fixed crab ai bug that would hurt the player after kill event.
- Added animations to sword
- Improved sword collisions
- Fixed sudden lag spike from dead crabs not being removed.
- Edited debug crabs dialogue to be shorter and less alarming.
- Updated a few pirate character sprites. 

1.2.2 12/23/21 
- Fixed a few dialogue text bubbles in chapter 1
- Added basic combat system
- Added Health system
- Added ai targeting system
- Added player melee attacking system in chapter 2
- Added respawning system
- Added health regeneration
- Explored using color pallets (did not end well)

1.2.1 12/21/21 
- Added background tile art for beach scene.
- Added sprites for crab, monkey, note in a bottle and fishing pole.
- Added beach scene at beginning of chapter 2
- Added debug crab to spawn room (skip to scene 2)
- Added collision to beach area

1.2.0 12/19/21 
- Added menu system. (save and map functions do not work)
- Added Inventory Menu
- Added Info Text to Menu
- Added background art for Menu, and Inventory.
- Added a joking pirate to the cabin hallways.
- Added option to ask the captain permission to bring olive.

1.0.9 12/17/21 
- Finished Chapter 1
- Fixed collision issue at guarded hallway
- Added dialogue to npcs in new areas
- Added animation to rusty in last scene.
- Added background tiles for broken ship and broken hallways

1.0.8 12/17/21 
- Added background tiles for cabin and cabin hallway
- Populated cabin with npcs and dialogue. 
- Added Rustys cabin with dialogue events.
- Added alternate dialogue for post inv pickup event.
- Added quest complete event for rusty glasses event.
- Added secondary background for storage area.

1.0.7 12/16/21 
- Fixed some broken sprites that were glitching out.
- Added New Storage Room background tile.
- Added 3d wall tile for storage room scene
- Added dialogue for new NPC (rusty)
- Changed guard in hallway to allow passage if looking for quest.
(note the search for item quest isn't finished)

1.0.6 12/16/21 
- Adjusted Olives sprite to follow the player in first area.
- Added Wishing Star Storybook to more areas. 

1.0.5 12/15/21  
- Added story book in starting room.
- Added more npc in the pub
- Added dialogue signs around the pre act area.

1.0.4 12/13/21  
- Added entire pre chapter 1 story intro.
- Added many outdoor backgrounds
- Added pub
- Added town
- Added spawn house
- Added Dialogue for captain ankle wood.

1.0.3 12/12/21  

- Added another room, and a few sprites.

1.0.2 12/12/21   
- Migrated project to GBStudio Version 3
- Added and updated many dialogue prompts. 
- Added new sprite surfaces to pirates 3 and 4
- Added new sprite for pirate 6
- Removed combat hidden easter egg
- Added treasure room button.

1.0.1 12/10/21  
- Added a hidden easter egg and more dialogue prompts. 

1.0.0 12/10/21  
- First technical test exported. All systems are working!! Only can talk to npcs, and walk around the 3 rooms.

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
GenreAdventure, Role Playing
TagsGame Boy, gbstudio, Narrative, Pixel Art, Retro, Singleplayer, Story Rich, Text based


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I love the art so much, it's incredible! This is such a pretty game.

thank you so much for playing the game!! I update it almost daily so check back often!